Lesson 4 Homework
It's Your Choice

Teach Your Dog a Reliable Recall
Want your dog to come when called—every time? Teaching recall is one of the most important skills for safety and off-leash freedom! In this video, I walk you through the step-by-step process to starting to shape your recall through positive reinforcement.
🔹 What you’ll learn in this video:
✔️Step #1: Classically condition your recall word
✔️ Step #2: Lure your puppy while in a straight moving backwards. Mark & Reward as you are moving.
✔️ Step #3: Shape the front position
✔️ Step #4: Recall game with food throw & chasing you.
A reliable recall builds trust and keeps your dog safe. Whether you're training a puppy or an older dog, consistency and motivation are key!
Extra Credit: It's Your Choice Game
A lack of self control is a barrier to change.
Imagine that you can empower your dog through a simple exercise that teaches your dog the power of self control and unlocks your dog's desires to make long term changes in its behavior.
This simple exercise has that power.
Key Points:
Yes marks the completion of the behavior and releases your dog to eat the food.
Complete marking "yes" before moving!
This is a self control game, not a bother my hand game. Mark yes for NOT touching you. Do not mark yes if your dog is touching you with it's nose, paw or anything else.
Good is used to build duration. We DO NOT feed on good. Release to the reward on YES.