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Border Collies Are Super Fun

Madison is a 4 year old border collie that is with us for five weeks of board and train. Madison comes to us not knowing any basic commands and having never been walked with a leash on a collar, only a harness. She will pull you like she is a sled dog on a harness. In this video we start with building a relationship with Madison and then begin to teach her our verbal marker system, and her basic commands using a combination of food rewards and play rewards. First we had to fix the way she plays fetch. It was terrible in terms of being used as a reward. She would throw the ball six to ten feet in front of me and expect me to fetch the ball. She will also self gratify by thrashing her head to "kill" the ball as well as throw the ball in the air for herself to catch it. We made a lot of progress in one week. Not only in the way she plays but also on teaching her a marker system and a number of her basic commands.

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